Scientists Develop Fuel Cell to Harvest Energy from Soil Microbes



Dirt-Powered Fuel Cell: A Natural Energy Solution

Soil-Powered Fuel Cell: A New Technology for Green Infrastructure

Soil Fuel Cell: Understanding the Mechanics

Fuel Cell for Power Generation: 

Which Liquid Fuel Could Be Used to Directly Power a Fuel Cell

Beyond soil-powered fuel cells, several liquid fuels can be used directly in other types of fuel cells, offering versatility and convenience:

  • Methanol: Used in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs), methanol is a liquid at room temperature and can be easily stored and transported.
  • Ethanol: Similar to methanol, ethanol can be used in direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFCs).
  • Formic Acid: Used in direct formic acid fuel cells (DFAFCs), formic acid is another viable liquid fuel option.
  • Hydrogen-Rich Liquids: Certain fuel cells use liquid fuels that release hydrogen when reformed, such as ammonia or liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs).

These liquid fuels provide a range of options for powering fuel cells, making them adaptable to various applications and environments.

Significances and Future Prospects
