The Lahore Resolution

The Lahore Resolution: A Comprehensive Overview

Lahore Resolution in Easy Words

Lahore Resolution Was Passed On

The resolution was moved and passed on the 23rd of March 1940 during the three day general session of the All India Muslim League in Lahore.

Lahore Resolution Meaning in Punjabi

Thus the stand of Lahore Resolution is called ‘ਲਾਹੌਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਤਾਵ’ ‘Lahore Prastav’ in Punjabi meaning the demand for a separate state for Muslims.

Lahore Resolution Presented By

In the session of All-India Muslim League the Lahore Resolution was moved by A. K. Fazlul Huq who was the Prime Minister of Bengal.

Lahore Resolution is Also Known As

Lahore Resolution is also called as Pakistan Resolution since this resolution paved way for formation of Pakistan.

Lahore Session in Map

The Lahore session was held at Minto Park which is now referred to as Iqbal Park in Lahore where the resolution was passed.

Who Translated the Lahore Resolution in Urdu?

The Lahore Resolution was translated into Urdu by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan to ensure its message reached the wider Urdu-speaking audience.

Lahore Resolution Was Seconded By

The resolution was supported by other key Muslims in leadership positions, for instance Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman to indicate that its support was across the leadership of the Muslims.

Lahore Resolution Was Moved By

The motion was seconded in proper form by A. K. Fazlul Huq for Bengal a leader of considerable standing.

Lahore Resolution 1940 in Urdu

In Urdu, the Lahore Resolution is known as قراردادِ لاہور (Qarardad-e-Lahore), symbolizing a formal demand for Muslim states.

What Happened in the Lahore Resolution?

The Lahore Resolution marked a turning point in India’s political landscape by calling for the establishment of independent Muslim-majority states, ultimately leading to the creation of Pakistan.

Lahore Resolution Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, قراردادِ لاہور (Qarardad-e-Lahore) refers to a formal declaration made in Lahore, aiming for Muslim-majority regions to gain independence.

Lahore Resolution Was Written By

The Lahore Resolution was written and drafted by Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, a distinguished lawyer and politician.

Lahore Resolution Name in Urdu

The name of the Lahore Resolution in Urdu is قراردادِ لاہور (Qarardad-e-Lahore).

Lahore Resolution Key Points

  1. Demand for separate states for Muslims in British India.
  2. Emphasis on autonomy and sovereignty for these states.
  3. Proposed grouping geographically contiguous units where Muslims were in the majority.

Lahore Resolution Main Points

  1. Muslims in British India should have separate independent states.
  2. These states should be autonomous and sovereign.
  3. The areas of Muslim-majority regions should be geographically contiguous.

Lahore Resolution and the Two-Nation Theory

Lahore Session and Purna Swaraj

Lahore Resolution is Also Called

Lahore Resolution is also known as Pakistan Resolution, because it was the starting point of the demand of Pakistan.

Lahore Resolution 1940 Main Points in Urdu

  1. علیحدہ ریاستیں: مسلمانوں کے لئے علیحدہ ریاستوں کا مطالبہ۔
  2. خودمختاری: خودمختار اور خود ارادیت پر زور۔
  3. جغرافیائی اکائیاں: جغرافیائی طور پر متصل اکائیوں کی حد بندی۔

Lahore Resolution in Bangla

In Bengali, the Lahore Resolution is referred to as “লাহোর প্রস্তাব” (Lahor Prostab), with similar implications for the creation of Muslim-majority states.

Lahore Resolution Members

Key members present at the session included Muhammad Ali Jinnah, A. K. Fazlul Huq, Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman, and other prominent leaders of the All-India Muslim League.

Lahore Session Indian National Congress 1929

It is important to note that the session of the Indian National Congress held in Lahore in 1929 shouted for Purna Swaraj while the Lahore Resolution of the Muslim League was passed only in 1940.



Lahore Session Held in Which Year

The Lahore session was held in 1940, where the famous Lahore Resolution was passed.

Lahore Resolution Was Passed in Which Session of Muslim League

The Lahore Resolution was passed during the 27th annual session of the All-India Muslim League.


Lahore Resolution and Its Importance

The Lahore Resolution was a pivotal moment in the history of the Indian subcontinent, as it laid the groundwork for the demand for Pakistan, changing the course of the freedom struggle.

Lahore Resolution Was Drafted By

The resolution was drafted by Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, a prominent legal expert and politician.

Lahore Resolution Was Held in the Open Space Of

The Lahore Resolution session was held in Minto Park (now known as Iqbal Park) in Lahore.

Lahore Resolution Was Proposed By

The resolution was proposed by A. K. Fazlul Huq, the Prime Minister of Bengal at the time.

Lahore Resolution 1940 Short Note

The Lahore Resolution was a formal political declaration by the All-India Muslim League in 1940, calling for the creation of separate states for Muslims, which eventually led to the formation of Pakistan.

Lahore Session Muslim League

The 27th session of the All-India Muslim League was held in Lahore from March 22 to March 24, 1940, during which the Lahore Resolution was passed.

Lahore Resolution Was Translated into Urdu By

The resolution was translated into Urdu by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan.

Describe the Lahore Resolution and Its Significance

The Lahore Resolution was a critical document that articulated the demand for a separate homeland for Muslims in British India. Its significance lies in the fact that it laid the foundation for the eventual creation of Pakistan.

Lahore Resolution of Muslim League

The Lahore Resolution was a political statement by the All-India Muslim League in 1940, advocating for the creation of independent states for Muslims, a major milestone in the history of Pakistan’s formation.